Full paper submission


Authors are cordially invited to submit papers for the conference proceedings. To make our cooperation more effective, you are kindly asked to comply with the following requirements:

The manuscript is author’s own original work, and does not duplicate any other previously published work, including their own previously published work. The manuscript has been submitted only to the conference proceedings; it is not under consideration or peer review or accepted for publication or in press or published elsewhere. If the author is reproducing copyrighted material (and is not the copyright owner or holder of that material) in the submitted paper, then it is author’s responsibility to obtain written permission from the copyright owner prior to paper submission, ensure appropriate acknowledgement and pay fees which the copyright holder may charge.
Please click here to download Statement on authorship and originality of the paper. Filled out statement has to been scaned and submitted electronically togheter with the final edited version of the paper till January 15th 2018. The papers will not be accepted without the filled out statment and author's signature.
The manuscript should be submitted in Microsoft Word document (for the full paper template click here and click here for full paper submission form).
  • The file should not exceed 5 MB.
  • All papers should be written in UK English. They must be proofread carefully before submission. To maintain the quality of the conference proceedings, we would kindly ask you to attach a confirmation of proofreading in English to your full paper.
  • All papers should have references in Roman script
  • Manuscripts should be prepared according to APA (American Psychological Association) standards.
  • For the conference proceedings all graphics should be in black-and-white print mode. When submitting the paper, low-resolution raster figures can be included. Before publishing the conference proceedings, you will be asked to provide high-resolution raster figures.
  • Manuscripts should be compiled according the template in the following order: title; abstract (150 up to 250 words); keywords (3 to 5); main text; acknowledgements (if required); references; appendices (as appropriate).
  • Submitted papers should be no longer than 7,000 words (including references and appendices). Submissions exceeding this limit may not be accepted for review.
  • Please note that we use a double blind peer review process. All papers will be sent to two reviewers and, should the paper require some revision, authors will be sent the revised manuscript and asked to modify it according to the requirements of the reviewers. If authors disagree with the reviewers, they will be asked to give reasons for their disagreement. Should the reviewers’ reports contradict one another, a further expert opinion will be sought. The final decision on a manuscript is made by the Editorial Board.


Full paper submission is now closed.